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We offer an educational program designed for each child’s personal learning style, developmental level, and interests. Consistent with National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) our program focuses on developing the skills and knowledge that will serve your child over a lifetime.

We emphasize the importance of social learning and the development of self-esteem and emotional maturity in a loving environment. A happy childhood lays the foundation for a fulfilling life.

We believe that learning begins at home, and encourage parents’ participation in our programs. Together we will help your children take their first steps toward a lifelong love and enthusiasm of learning while strengthening their Armenian identity, language, heritage, and culture. Upon leaving us, your child will have the sense of independence and responsibility necessary for a successful continuing education.


September 18thParent Support Committee Meeting

September 27th Kindergarten Grandparents Day

October 17thGreat California Shake Out

October 18th – Staff Seminar (Minimum Day)



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First Steps team,

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